
SCLC Celebrates 15 years with FREE Continuing Education

Written by Kristin Harms | Mar 22, 2018 6:55:20 PM

In celebration of it's 15th Anniversary, the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center is giving away FREE continuing education (CME and CE) for a limited time, for two webinar collections: 2016 & 2017 recorded webinars.

Use the discount code SCLC@15 to waive the $65 fee.

2017 Webinar Collection

This Collection of recorded webinars from SCLC includes all 10 webinars released during 2017, for a total of 13.50 CE credits. Topics include lung cancer screening, engaging health professionals, state and community approaches to tobacco control, quitlines, behavioral health, smoking mothers, cessation efforts in public housing community health centers, smokeless tobacco, behavioral health/public health partnerships, young adult smokers, and tobacco harm reduction. For more information and to register for this collection, click here.

2016 Webinar Collection

This Collection of recorded webinars from SCLC includes all nine webinars released during 2016, for a total of 14.0 CE credits. Topics include social smoking among young adults; social media interventions for cessation; tobacco use among African-Americans; pharmacotherapy; tobacco use among the homeless; smokers with mental health conditions; thirdhand smoke; and example smoking cessation programs from Kaiser Permanente and the Truth Initiative. For more information and to register for this collection, click here.

Note: You are still able to take an individual webinar if you wish, however payment will be due to receive the CE credit. If you register for a Collection, it will be complimentary, and you don’t have to take all of the webinars in the Collection to receive credit.